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AEA always have the welcome mat rolled out for new members! Joining our chapter is easy: just fill out the form below, taking care to answer any questions noted with an asterisk (*).

Our membership dues levels are below, including the annual $45 dues suggested by Alpha Chi Omega Headquarters to help defray the costs of events, programs, collegiate chapter support, and representation of our chapter at the biannual National Convention. Alumnae two years or less beyond graduation may select the $15 dues option below.


Please email to receive instructions for paying dues by mail. If you prefer to use PayPal, please use the PayPal button at the bottom of this page. You may also pay in person at a chapter event. NOTE: PayPal requires a $2 convenience fee.  


  • Full Membership: $45

  • New Graduate: $15 for recent grads who are two or less years out of college.

  • Golden Membership: $30 for sisters who can't come to most events but want to support the chapter and remain a member.

  • Carnation Membership: $60 for full membership and a donation to AEA's DVA partners.

  • Lyre Membership: $75 for full membership and to one of AEA's DVA partners like Doorways for Women and Families, and a donation to the Florence Armstrong scholarship.  

  • Pearl Membership: $100 for a full membership, donations to the Florence Armstrong scholarship and a AEA's DVA partner, and a gift to AEA to continue sustaining our membership.

      Have questions about membership? Send an email to

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